Monday, November 7, 2016

Blog vs Book

Yesterday in Relief Society we had a lesson about the symbolism of the picture of the iron rod and the great and spacious building. I've heard this lesson many, many times. But yesterday something else clicked. Something stuck that didn't quite make it all the other times. My notes go something like this:

Mists of darkness = temptations of the devil
Filthy river = being offended/falling away from the Spirit
Large and spacious building = vain imaginations and pride of the world/idols
Iron rod = word of God

The natural man is an enemy to God.
The more in tune with the Spirit, the more focused we are and the natural man does not influence.

The teacher had half the room put up sticky notes with examples of "temptations of modern day LDS women" while the other half of the room put up their sticky note with an example of "modern day idols".

I put up my sticky note of an example of temptations for modern day LDS which said "I'm too busy!", Busybodies, GOSSIPING.

The Idols is what got to me though.
Some of the examples were: TV, Netflix, TV, TV, TV,.... but then....procrastination.

Ouch. Yep. I think that's mine.
Some bells went off and then I went home and took a nap. Ugh.

So here I am today giving this whole book thing another thought.
I actually sat down to write it last week and I literally fell into a deep depression. It was horrible. I can't imagine sitting down to write out my story without all of those emotions coming back up. Which makes me think I haven't actually healed. I've only put a band-aid or even worse I've just shoved it down and ignored it all. Ouch.

Here I am, supposed to be writing a book about how I've overcome so many trials and I'm a better person for them and I'm actually happy!!! But it's more than that.

I keep being reminded that my story, my mess, isn't actually the story I'm supposed to be telling. My story is one of salvation, forgiveness, and LOVE. My story is one of finding that ultimate source of LOVE and learning to live again through Him.

I've been contemplating writing this book but then the idea comes to me that it's more than just a book. It can be more than a book anyways. It can be a movement of looking beyond the grief, the pain and sorrow, the sins and temptations, to who got us through and keeps helping us through every day. He is the source of that relief. He is the One who never left our sides. He is the One who carried me when I couldn't carry myself or my children.

The One I speak of is my Savior Jesus Christ. My story is about Him.

I know I'm not alone in that I'm not the only one who has a story to tell about Him.
I know that my story is not unique.
So I'd like to hear your story too.

The benefit of doing a blog verses a book is that a blog can be interactive! A blog can change and develop and include so much more than just a written word. And maybe one day I'll turn this blog into a book.

So no more procrastinating. No more excuses.

We all see how the world is out there. We all notice the lack of GOOD, POSITIVE stories. So let's change that. Let's show each other and the world that despite the hard times, despite the grief and loss, despite the anger and frustration there is One who can lift us up and deliver us from all of that junk!

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